Effective Pilates…

Anyone who has an interest in maintaining their fitness from the casual jogger to the high performance athlete can greatly benefit from the Video Running Analysis assessment.
A running biomechanical analysis can very useful whether you have sustained a recent injury, to get to the roots of recurring pain or injuries or would like to improve your running technique and optimise your performance.
All normal movement relies on a finely tuned balance of muscle activation and control. If muscles are incorrectly recruited and/or at the wrong time this can place undue stress on the joints, ligaments and neural tissue and pain and injury will follow. As anyone who tries to keep fit knows, this can then severely limit the ability to train and ultimately reduce performance.
Looking to perform at your best in a marathon, just starting or getting back to running? You can benefit from a Biomechanical Running Analysis! Fees for the RunFIT assessment are shown here.
We will first discuss your running history, injuries and what you would like to achieve.
This will be followed by a thorough assessment of your posture, range of motion, strength and muscle imbalance
We will then get you onto the treadmill and we will assess your running technique. The use of the 2-dimensional video running analysis and the observation of the recording frame by frame and through slow motion will help identify biomechanical causes, compensations and running technique flaws contributing to your pain or injuries or under-performance.
We will than explain the results and give you advice on an exercise program to correct issues observed.
When can you benefit from a RunFIT Running Analysis?
- If you are changing your training routine i.e a new activity, increased intensity or increased speed.
- you suffer from pain during or after your activity.
- you get recurring injuries.
- you want to improve your performance.
You will need to wear shorts and a t-shirt and bring your training shoes with you.
If you have any questions or would like to speak with one of the specialist physiotherapists, please contact us.
Standard package - Biomechanical Running Analysis
Standard package
- 60 minutes Biomechanical Running Analysis 60 minutes as described above
Silver package - Biomechanical Running Analysis and a Review session
Silver package
- 60 minutes Biomechanical Running Analysis
- Plus a 30 minutes review session at week 3 or 4 to assess and adapt your exercise programme with your progress.
Golden package - RunFIT
Golden package
- 60 minutes Biomechanical Running Assessment followed by
- 3 x 30min Physiotherapy sessions (within 3 months)