Effective Pilates…

At Physio for All, we treat many injuries or pain conditions but we also believe in the prevention of injuries and symptoms as well as in maximising your physical potential towards better function, performance and health.
A physiotherapy screening is a battery of tests to assess and identify deficits and problems in your movement patterns and posture. It is a bit like an MOT: once thoroughly assessed, we will work with you to identify what you could be working on to improve your function and performance and design a tailored programme of corrective exercises. You will take home tips and advice according to your daily activities, sports, needs and goals.
We offer screening programmes for all ages: the new-born, the growing child, the young and not so young mothers and women, the growing teenager to older age and for athletes throughout their life.
- To prevent injuries
- To maximise your physical health
- To enhance your sports performance
- To improve your posture
- To recover from childbirth
- Before starting a new exercise or weight loss programme
- To help a child’s motor development
- To help the growing body of a teenager
- To prevent and reduce the risk of falls and fractures
What does PhysioFIT Screening assess?
The PhysioFit screening is a comprehensive evaluation of movement and posture and can implement various tests such as:
- Body awareness, dynamic body positioning, proprioception
- Flexibility, range of motion
- Muscle tone, strength and endurance
- Analysis of movement patterns
- Postural, functional core and dynamic control
- Coordination
Everyone can benefit from a physiotherapy screening which is an expert physical assessment leading to expert advice for the short and long term.
- Sports specific screening for young to older elite or amateur athletes
- Pelvic Floor and Postnatal screening for women of all ages
- Posture screening i.e. for teenagers, office workers or musicians
- Paediatric developmental screening for babies and growing children
- Functional screening for older people
We offer Sports specific screening (Service/ Sports injury & performance clinic/ Prevention of injuries, Return to sport and Performance enhancement) for adults and junior athletes such as RunFIT and SkiFIT assessments to identify area of weakness, prevent injuries and enhance performance.
It is highly recommended if you are preparing for an event such as a marathon, before the ski season or any new training programme.
The assessment tests will be specific to your sport to identify asymmetry, imbalances and faulty movement patterns.
The tailored programme of exercises will target your areas of weakness such as flexibility, stability, posture, balance, coordination and core stability. We will look at the implementation of small strategies in your sport movement to improve your performance.
Every woman should have a Pelvic Floor check.
Pelvic floor problems are common in young athletes, during pregnancy and after birth and later in life with the menopause. 1 out of 3 women suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction such as incontinence, prolapse, sexual pain, pelvic pain, urgent needs and frequency.
Whether you already have troubles or you are at risk of developing pelvic floor issues, a pelvic floor screening is a first step to help yourself and prevent future problems.

We can analyse your posture to identify the causes of pain or discomfort and identify strategies to correct or improve your posture throughout your daily life.
Our Posture Screening can benefit many such as the office worker, the child carrying a backpack, the musician etc…

We have extensive knowledge of children development ensuring that they achieve their best whether at an early age and later especially during their growth spurts.
We offer MOT Paediatric development check for new-born and babies, children with postural issues and young athletes.
At physio for All we offer a Functional Fitness MOT for over 60 to be proactive in prevent injuries in activities and sports and later in life to maximise function and prevent the risks of falls and fractures.
Physiotherapists play a crucial role in improving physical functioning, muscle strength and balance in the later life. Physiotherapy screening for older people can prevent injuries, gait problems and falls which may have devastating consequences.
Be proactive and book a PhysioFIT screening!
We offer a variety of screening packages
If you have questions or would like information about our screening programmes, please do not hesitate to contact us